My mother's fear was that I would never be satisfied. Today would have been her 72nd birthday (happy birthday mom). And, here I sit missing her and wondering if I can find contentment. I'm 30 pounds over weight because I've been squashing my true feelings over the last 2.5 years if not longer with food. Growing up I was never allowed to find myself and be me. I had to be "perfect". I had to do the right things - stay out of trouble, be seen and not heard, do what I'm told, etc. I think after college and moving to Chicago I was making decisions for myself, but still trying to prove myself to my family. This feeling that I am not good enough has never left me. Now that I'm 44 I'm wondering I'm wondering if I'm enough. And, if so who am I really. What is going to happen if I slow down and actually feel my feelings instead of drowning out my feelings. Will I come happier, healthier, stronger. I have no idea, but I got to figure this out as I...